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The Goal

creating memorable gameplay experiences through the use of innovative storytelling mechanics

THe Creations

Explore my projects, both past and present, from quirky experiments to larger creations.

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The Studio

Narrative Focused Design

The interactive nature of games opens up so many possibilities with storytelling and narrative. I aim to create memorable gameplay experiences by pushing the boundaries of storytelling mechanics.

Exploring new mechanics

Within the games industry, I believe there is potential for innovation in how we tell stories. I am working to contribute to the growth of narrative systems used in gaming. Through experimentation and partnering with other studios, I hope to design new approaches to how story is experienced in games.

Collaborative Development

Feedback and community engagement are critical to building better games. It is through the sharing of our experiences and knowledge that we foster growth and innovation. Our community is active on Discord and Twitch. In the future, I hope to expand the team here at Zatherus Gaming.

Passion for Gaming

At the end of the day, gaming is at my core. I love discussing the games I play and their design. The games I make are how I am trying to give back to the industry that has impacted my life so much. 


Who is Zatherus Gaming?

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Keith Mitchell

Director & Lead Designer

I am a programmer and designer looking to build unique narrative experiences in gaming. I love story-driven and cooperative gaming and hope to bring new ideas to how we tell story in games.

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